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mental healing造句

"mental healing"是什么意思  
  • As early as the motherland traditional chinese medicine mental healing thought theory initially has formed in more than 2 , 000 years ago
  • 4 、 measures and advices : measures are needed to be carried out for the prevention of disabilities . rehabilitation of handicapped people includes body healing and mental healing
  • Healing powers : turquoise is a very powerful aid in both physical and mental healing and has been used for healing on every continent ! a common use of turquoise is to relieve arthritic pain
  • According to believers in the power of stones and crystals , aventurines strongest mental healing characteristic is its ability to ground an individual emotionally , thus allowing for thought that is free of fear , troubled emotions , indecisiveness , and anxiety
  • Wear aventurine when making critical decisions , when anxious , or when feeling overwhelmed and it will aid your ability to focus and find creative solutions . healing powers : many believe aventurine to be the best all - around healing stone , because , along with the many mental healing benefits of aventurine , there are also many physical healing powers that followers of alternative medicine attribute to the stone
  • It's difficult to see mental healing in a sentence. 用mental healing造句挺难的
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